Wednesday, December 12, 2007

All I Want For Christmas is a New Menorah...

Alex is a wannabe Jew.

Where he developed this affinity and fascination with Judaism is beyond me. Last year he really did indeed want a Menorah for Christmas and which he did, in fact, receive.

Alex and Margo (his quasi-Jewish mother) went to a Hanukkah party last weekend at a REAL Jew's home and played games (spinning the Driedel) and ate Kosher food. He apparently had a good time because he is now cutting the bills off all his baseball caps and using the remaining hat as a yarmulke.

To top it all off, Margo actually WON the Matzoh Ball soup contest at school which pitted the Mormon-Green-Jello-Salad-Queen against the Jews and their historic Matzoh Ball soup recipes that have been handed down from generations of Jewish moms. I told Margo to tell them that the secret ingredient that made her soup so tasty was bacon!

They got even though...the winning prize was a bottle of wine and a coffee mug.


fifijr said...

mazel tov

papa olson said...

isn't that a cocktail???

Erin said...

You should write and illustrate a children's book about that!

fifijr said...

I was going for the Hebrew word for congratulations...but I am not an expert in Hebrew or cocktails!!

fifijr said...

I was going for the Hebrew word for congratulations...but I am not an expert in Hebrew or cocktails!!

papa olson said...

I know...I understood it as a congrats...I was just joking about the cocktail. You know "Molotov cocktail" in the bottles that were filled with gasoline with a rag at the top which was lit and thrown as a firebomb.

fifijr said...

Gottcha....I am not an expert at Hebrew, cocktails, or firebombs!!!

Jenibelle said...

Alex has his used-to-be faux Jew Aunt Jeni also, but geneaology has proven that I am no longer a wannabe...but THE REAL thing!! woohoo. (I have not given up my love of pork chops or bacon however.) I understand Alex, I appreciate, I applaud, I encourage...embrace the Israeli in you Alex. L'Chaim and next year in Jerusalem!! (I have a video on how to dance the Hora, I'll dig it out and we'll have a dance party!)